3 Things to Look Out for When Booking an Escort Online

Night Stories
3 min readSep 11, 2020

Whether you want some company for the weekend or just a short weekday date, then booking an escort online can make for an easy way to find some fun company. To make the experience enjoyable for both you and the escort knowing the ropes and taking a few precautions are advisable.

Do Your Research

Looking into the Escort agency you plan to use is well worth the short time it will take you. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable service that guarantees that the pictures of their escorts are genuine. Have a look at independent reviews of the agency and individual escorts so that you can be as confident as possible that you are dealing with a service that makes the perfect matching of clients and escorts a priority.

You want to enjoy a date with the attractive, like-minded lady you are expecting to spend your evening with, so it is best to prepare by checking out some online profiles so that you have a few escorts in mind that you find attractive and have a little in common with. Whether this is a one-off date or a weekend of fun, you both need to ‘click’ in some way to get the most out of the experience.

Making the Call

When you have decided which agency you want to use, you’ll need to give them a call to set up your date. Remember that you are conducting a business transaction and should be as polite and respectful as you would be when telephone any other business. It is essential not to use vulgar or inappropriate language. If you persist in being disrespectful, you probably won’t have the mutually enjoyable experience that you’re hoping for.

Some agencies may ask you a few questions about yourself; this is part of a ‘screening conversation’ and is perfectly normal. The object of the conversation is to put everyone’s minds at ease by letting the service and escort know a little about you.

You will probably be asked some basic questions so that the agency can satisfy themselves on three important points; that you are genuine, that the lady will be safe with you, and that you will be punctual and ready to pay the fee as agreed. After all, if your escort knows a little about your likes and dislikes and is happy that she is in safe hands, then she can ensure that you have a thoroughly fun-filled evening. Many agencies will also require you to leave a phone number or other way to get in touch with you directly to weed out any fake bookings.

Get Business Out of the Way First

When you book your escort, make sure that you confirm the price, and once you meet your date for the evening, never ever try to haggle! There is nothing more distasteful than agreeing on a price then trying to back out of payment, and it is likely to impact negatively on your evening and possibly even get you blacklisted in the future.

This is a cash business, on the whole, so confirm when you book how they would like you to pay. The usual arrangement is to pay your date in cash at the start of the evening. When you arrive at the venue or when your escort comes to your hotel or apartment, have the money ready to give her so that you can move on to your fantastic date. If you would like to pay a little extra in anticipation of an unforgettable evening, then it is much appreciated, although not expected, and can help set the tone of your night.

